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For Veterans

Post-traumatic Growth and Dysfunction

The aftereffects of traumatic experiences can affect anyone who has ever experienced a significant trauma in life – war, rape, abuse, hurricanes, and many others. The effects can take many forms – depression, rage, inexplicable behavior, compromised decision-making, as well as new insights and personal growth.

My own experience with the difficult side of combat resulted from a combat mission over Hanoi, North Vietnam in December 1972 when I was shot down, captured, and imprisoned. Three of my six crew members lost their lives that night. For the next thirty years I struggled with its effects, gradually gaining insight into its effects, and finally finding what appears to be a cure.

My work with veterans of various wars and victims of personal trauma enables me to share my experience, strength and hope in a way that brings healing to them. Like panning for gold in the streams of Alaska, this work can be difficult, but the results are exceptionally valuable.

Call on me to educate, motivate, and empower your military unit or civilian community to heal your people of the wounds that do not show, and to find the gold among the detritus of their worst experiences.

Veterans Support Links of Interest
American Ex-POWs
Operation Homefront
POW Network
Red River Valley Fighter Pilot Association
Riverside (CA) National Cemetery
Wounded Warrior Project

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